Science for Growth

The school is dedicated to promoting basic and fundamental sciences as a means to generate new knowledge, scientific temperament and create wealth. With a strong focus on the core principles of science, students are provided with the tools and resources necessary to explore various fields of study (including social, spiritual and religious) and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. By fostering curiosity and a passion for discovery, the school aims to cultivate the next generation of innovative thinkers and problem solvers.

Through a combination of rigorous demonstrations, experiments, presentations, and problem-based learning, students are encouraged to go beyond the limits of scientific knowledge and actively contribute to the progress of society. The school aims to provide students with a strong foundation in the sciences, empowering them to make groundbreaking discoveries and contribute to economic growth. By fostering critical thinking skills and hands-on experience, students are prepared to push the boundaries of scientific understanding and drive innovation. With a focus on equipping students with the tools they need to succeed, the school is paving the way for future scientific breakthroughs and ensuring a prosperous future for all.

The Vision

The vision of the school is to nurture individuals with a deep-rooted commitment to peace, individuals who can actively contribute to the establishment of peace, prosperity, and growth on a global scale. This is to be achieved through the promotion of rational and scientific thinking and peaceful approaches, all inspired by our creator. By instilling these values and principles in our students, we aim to create a community of peace-loving minds who will work towards a harmonious and peaceful global society.

The Mission

The mission of the Creator International School is to create a nurturing environment for aspiring researchers, aiming to guide them towards the world's top research laboratories and universities for creation of new knowledge, solutions and wealth. .The primary objective is to cultivate thinking leaders who are capable of exploring new frontiers and offering groundbreaking solutions to global issues faced by nations and communities. These exceptional individuals will work towards improving the lives of millions worldwide. By fostering a supportive atmosphere, the Creator International School aims to inspire and empower its students to become trailblazers in their respective fields, shaping the future with their innovative ideas and contributions.

Core Values

The School's core values are as follows:

  • freedom of thought and expression

  • freedom from discrimination

  • Our Creator is our inspiration


  • the encouragement of a questioning spirit

  • learning through real-life, open ended problems

  • equal, easy and faster learning opportunities and experience for each and every child through demonstrations and experiments.

  • quality and depth across all subjects

  • strong support for individual researchers as well as research groups

  • education which enhances the ability of students to learn throughout life